Get your kids moving, creating, and problem-solving with manipulative play! Not only is it fun, but it also has huge benefits for your child's development.

The first five years of children are very important in terms of physical as well as brain development. The physical growth and the ability of a child to learn emotional, social, behavioural and communication skills all comes under the umbrella of development.

From birth to the early years of childhood, children use their senses to learn new information. They try to explore and make sense of the world around them using their senses. It is essential for children to use their senses profoundly as this is important for the healthy development of the brain. Sensory play is considered to be one of the most effective ways for toddlers and preschoolers to use their senses. Sensory activities stimulate kid's senses such as touching, hearing, sight, smell and also train children to maintain movement and balance. But the question is what sensory play is and what are the sensory activities associated with it?

Although the concept of mindfulness is rooted in Buddhism and is clearly not new, it has gained attention over the past few years. Mindfulness is about being aware of what is happening around us in the present moment. It is about being conscious of one’s surroundings.